现在时间:2015年8月3日 10:48:02 星期一
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20151016日,美国佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)邓渝林教授来我院访问。邓教授为我院师生做了题为“Low temperature and high efficiency biomass fuel cell and bio-hydrogen production”的学术报告。介绍了基于生物质(如淀粉、纤维素、木质素等)设计燃料电池和低温生物质产氢方面的研究进展。邓渝林教授发展了一种不依赖贵金属的生物质的燃料电池,具有较好的应用前景。陈景文院长陪同邓教授参观了工业生态与环境工程教育部重点实验室。       

邓渝林教授简介Dr. Deng is a full professor in School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA. His recent research interests include low temperature biomass fuel cell, low temperature hydrogen production using raw biomass, and cellulose nanomaterials and their applications. Dr. Deng is a Fellow of the International Academy of Wood Science, a member of ACS, AIChE and TAPPI. He received AIChE Chase Award in 2013.  He is also the associate editor of 2 journals, and serves as the editorial board member for five journals.  He published more than 200 peer reviewed papers covering biomass, biofuel, fuel cell, nanosceince and nanotechnology, and nanoelectronic.


上一条:我院7位老师参加第12届持久性有毒物质国际研讨会 下一条:东京工业大学的Kunio Yoshikawa教授来访